Ben Bouali Uiniversity
Faculty of Human and social sciences
Department of Social Sciences
Module: foreign lauguage (English)
Acadimic Year:2023-2024
Third year General Philosophy
All groups:1-2-3
Teacher in charge: Dr. Noureddine Bouzar
Professor's email : fshs.philo@gmail.com
Teaching this standard aims to provide the student with the opportunity to come into direct contact with the philosophical product and interact with the text directly in terms of ideas and language. It also provides the possibility of developing the mental abilities to analyze and understand the text in depth. By the end of this section, you will be able to:
.Identify philosophical methods of inquiry -
.Explain the role of logical consequences in assessing a philosophical position -
.Define conceptual analysis, coherence, argument, intuition, and experimental philosophy -
.Explain the importance of trade-offs in establishing a philosophical position -
Prior knowledge required:
The student can employ various knowledge about dealing with texts, and he can also employ his knowledge about philosophy in general.
Module contents:
- Greek texts
- Christian texts
-Jewish texts
- Islamic texts
- Modern Western texts
- Contemporary Western texts
- General texts
Evaluation method: continuous observation
References: (Books, publications, websites, etc.)
Allan (D.J. ) : The philosophy of Aristotle, second edition, Oxford university press, printed an bound in Great Britain by redwood burn limited drawbridge and esher, 1978
- معلم: BOUZAR Noureddine