Biophysics is an interdisciplinary science somewhere between biology and physics. The development of biophysics is closely connected with the intensive interpenetration of ideas, theoretical approaches, and methods of modern biology, physics, chemistry, and mathematics. Biophysics is the science that investigates the physical and physicochemical processes taking place in living organisms, and also the ultrastructure of biological systems on all levels of organization of living material, from submolecular and molecular to cells and entire organisms. The subjects of Biophysics are the physical principles underlying all processes of living systems. This also includes environmental biophysics, which represents physical influences on physiological functions. This course is written to meet the needs of graduate students studying Biophysics. The main objective of this course and to fill the gaps of students who no longer do fluid mechanics and to raise the new textbook to the requirements of a rigorous presentation of the essential concepts (ionic conductivity, viscosity, surface tension, etc.) the understanding of phenomena fundamental to biology. This course is far from perfect, as it critiques and suggestions from colleagues and students are expected to improve the quality of this course.

Target audience :

Biophysics is an important subject for 2nd year students and master's students.

The objective of this course:
At the end of this course, the student will be able to:
• First study the properties of the solutions and determine the different concentrations (mass, molar, equivalent, etc.).
• Understand the electrical properties of solutions (Resistivity, conductivity, etc.).
• Master the principle of diffusion phenomena necessary to understand the transport of molecules in solutions through permeable or semi-permeable membranes.
• Know for the first time the mechanism of osmosis and osmotic pressure phenomena.
• Assimilate the basic notions of hydrodynamics, in particular viscosity and its different types and biological applications.