L’objectif de ce module est de familiariser l’étudiant avec les notions de base sur les réseaux de
télécommunications. L’étudiant comprendra les notions de normes et standards. Les caractéristiques
et les critères d’évaluation des transmissions numériques. La manière de protéger ces transmissions
numériques contre les erreurs dues essentiellement aux types de canaux utilisés. Enfin, des exemples
de réseaux de télécommunications filaires, sans fil et aussi mobiles seront présentés.


A computer or a cell phone are generally used to communicate information of various types: texts, sounds, still or moving images, video, etc. Digital transmission systems convey this information as reliably as possible by using a physical medium such as cable, optical fiber or even propagation on a radio channel. This course is mainly interested in the concepts and basic elements of the transmissions between two computer equipments as well as the communication mechanisms to ensure the reliability of the exchanges on a data link and lastly to the different networks that make up the telecommunication network such as fixed, wireless and mobile networks.

Keywords: Standardization bodies, Serial interface (DTE-DCE), Linear and polynomial codes, The GSM UMTS LTE network.